01282 459 459

Rehman Property Consultancy (RPC) logo

Property Sourcing

RPC Lettings have a finger on the pulse of what developments are happening in the area of the M65 Corridor. If you are considering investing in property in the North West but are afraid of the horror stories associated with “Property Investment” then you need to speak to RPC Lettings.

One-Stop Property Shop

We are the one-stop property investment shop successfully managing property investments throughout East Lancashire giving high returns. We can walk you through all the pitfalls of investing in bricks and mortar and help you avoid negative equity investments.

If you have already invested in property in our area, or if you are interested in investing, you know that empty properties means empty pockets. RPC is able to find reliable tenants quickly through personal recommendation from existing tenants, our Facebook page and from potential tenants who call into the office looking for a rental property.

As a result we seem to always have candidates wanting to move in. So although there is an oversupply of rental accommodation in some areas, RPC’s reputation of providing decent homes means any empty properties we advertise are let very quickly.

Quality Maintenance

RPC’s Property Maintenance team provide quality work maintaining all properties around the clock. Being an established business means we have built up relationships with local tradesmen. From plumbers to electricians we can get any property refurbishment completed with minimal fuss. Maintaining properties with minimal impact on your investment is our priority but we always keep maintaining a tenant’s long term residence and your ongoing dividends as our primary focus.